Monday, June 18, 2012

Buyers Compete in Today's Market

Today's housing market has surpised many buyers who may have been waiting for home prices to hit bottom.  For example, they may have heard that the market is turning around, and so they are becoming more active in their home search.   They finally find a property that suits their needs and then make what they consider a reasonable offer.  Excited to have their offer presented to the seller, they are dismayed to hear that there other offers  on the same property that have all come in within the past 24 hours!

Buyers need to know that an increasingly  popular listing strategy  is to price the house low in order to create a "multiple offer" situation.  The agent presents all of the offers and the seller chooses the "best" one. The  rest of the offers are then rejected.  In a few multiple offer situations, all buyers receive a counter offer, providing an opportunity for the buyer to come in higher or with better terms. Buyers should not expect this will be the case with every home they bid on though because they often find that the seller is not interested in negoitating with them if they have a better offer.

To know more about how to get your offer accepted once you find the right home, watch for future articles or give me a call anytime to discuss your particular situation.  I always enjoy hearing from you!

Nancy Puder is the broker and owner of SignatureProperties, a prestigious real estate sales and management firm in Arroyo Grande, CA.  You may contact her at or (805)710-2415

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