Thursday, February 9, 2012

What Should I Expect From My Realtor?

What Should I Expect From My Realtor?

Q. We recently decided to start looking for a home and began calling on a few properties for sale. As a result, we have one agent who is sending properties by email. The problem is whenever we want to see one of the properties, he is always busy with his kids. He also says that we need to go get pre-qualified, but we don't know where to go. He is a nice guy but we feel like we are stuck.

A. You are right to question this agent's ability or level of desire to represent you well in the biggest purchase you have ever made. There are lots of agents out there, but not as many who operate professionally and as a business. Sadly, the general public is often unaware of this and end up in a situation like yours and do nothing about it.

It is very important to feel good about your relationship with your agent and to know that your aget has your best interests in mind. While no one should be expected to work on demand, a professional agent will have a backup system and other agents in place to accomodate their client 's schedule on those occasions when they are not available. A good agent will also personally introduce you to one or two reputable lenders in the area and will help walk you through the process.

You should feel free to look around for another agent who is as excited about you buying a home as you are. I recommend that you look for an agent who is experienced and who has a good track record of selling homes even duing the past couple of years. A good agent will not tell you that their performance is based on the market because a good professional agent should be able to naviagate through any market, adjusting their game plan so that they continue to sell homes and serve their clients. If your agent is telling you that they haven't sold much because of the market, that is a sign that they may not have the skills necessary to give you the representation you need.

Once you find an agent that you feel comfortable with, stop speaking to other agents. A great agent will give you what you need to have a successful experience but you should return the trust by only working with them from that point forward.

Nancy Puder is the owner and broker of Signature Properties, a prestigious real estate sales and property management firm in Arroyo Grande, CA. You may contact her at (805)710-2415 or email Your calls are always welcome!

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