Your credit score is calculated from information in your credit report and is a measure of how good of a risk you are to the creditor. If you are thinking about buying a house or even trying to rent one, it is important that you are aware of how your credit score will affect your ability to buy or rent.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Tips to Increase Credit Score
Your credit score is calculated from information in your credit report and is a measure of how good of a risk you are to the creditor. If you are thinking about buying a house or even trying to rent one, it is important that you are aware of how your credit score will affect your ability to buy or rent.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
California Foreclosure Filings Have Been On A Steady Downtrend Since March 2009
foreclosure filings have been on a steady downtrend since March 2009 as
government agencies have rolled out more programs that have successfully
lengthened the foreclosure process or provided alternatives such as short sales, principal balance reduction loan modifications, second-lien
extinguishments and other forms of debt relief.
foreclosure filings — Notices of Default plus Notices of Trustee Sale —
increased 4.0 percent this March, but were down 59.3 percent for the past 12
Notices of Default (NOD), which is the first stage of the foreclosure process,
rose 9.5 percent from February. More importantly, NODs are up 65 percent since
January, suggesting that some of the regulation-driven decline in foreclosures
toward the end of last year has reversed course. While the gain since the
beginning of the year was large in percentage terms, the longer-term downtrend
has held firm. The March 2013 NODs were at their third-lowest level since we
began tracking the data in September 2006. Over the past 12 months, NODs were
down 65.3 percent.
will be interesting to see where we are with these stats at the end of the
year. Inventory is tight causing home sales to rise. Some lenders are
more willing these days to work with borrowers who are struggling with their
mortgage. We will keep watching and reporting to you as the year rolls
Nancy Puder is the broker and owner of Signature Properties, a real estate sales and management firm in Arroyo Grande, CA. You may contact her at or (805)710-2415.
She always enjoys hearing from you!
Monday, April 8, 2013
dream of homeownership is alive and well . The real estate market buzzes
constantly about when to buy, how to buy, when to sell and how to succeed
in the world of buying and selling real estate.
don't take me the wrong way. I totally believe in the American dream of
homeownership. I feel that it is one of the best ways to build a secure
future and I love helping people buy and sell homes. If I didn't, I would
be in trouble since this is how I make my living.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Home Sells Fast!
sales reports on homes sold show that the market is experiencing a long awaited
"comeback". Agents say that the biggest issue right now
is that they do not have enough homes to sell! With consumer
confidence on the rise and forecasts of higher interest rates, buyers are
swarming the real estate market.
half of the homes that are going up for sale right now, are selling immediately
and either very close to or at full price. Sometimes they are even
selling for more than the seller was asking.
should be aware, however, that their asking price needs to be well
researched and set where the buyer still feels like there is a deal in the
making. There are some homes that are not selling quickly and sometimes
the reason is that the seller has priced the home too high. Of course,
there are other factors that need to be in place also to make the home
attractive to a buyer.
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