With the gradual rise of home prices this year, Corelogic
has reported that over 700,000 homeowners came out from being underwater on
their mortgages during the first quarter of 2012. With this information and other encouraging
reports from across the country, it seems that we are definitely moving in the right direction.
There are still many homeowners, though, who owe more
than their property could sell for today.
That situation will probably continue to improve gradually but will take
some time. The percentage of foreclosed
properties has dropped and short sales are definitey easier and faster to
obtain this year.
I think it is important to take the time to recognize
that things are getting better in the real estate market. It seems that the majority of information
that most of us receive is negative and that valid and good reports are often
ignored. It is amazing that even when I speak to other professionals in the
real estate world, many continue to shake their head and then proceed with a "yes
but" and begin to quote what they have been hearing in the media.
The truth is that It has become rare these days to hear
anything positive about what is going on in our world. Unfortunately, we frequently do not get an
accurate report or full picture of what is really going on in the real estate
market through the media.
Let's take a moment to celebrate some good news for what
it is worth. It can't hurt anything,
can it? If you would like to receive
accurate real estate information on a regular basis instead of relying on the
"news", please let me know or check in weekly at www.NancyPuder.com/blog. I always enjoy hearing from you!
Nancy Puder is the broker and owner of Signature
Properties, a prestigious real estate sales and management firm in Arroyo
Grande, CA. You may contact her at Nancy@NancyPuder.com or (805)710-2415
Your calls are always welcome!