Swimming pools - In the beach areas of of the central coast of California, for instance, most buyers are not looking for a pool since the climate is so mild. Most buyers purchasing along the coast from Ventura to SLO consider a pool costly to maintain and unnecessary. Drive 25 miles north, and it is considered an asset because the average air temperature rises significantly. Converted Garages - Yes, your idea of a conversion to a man-cave or pool room is very cool and may provide you with much enjoyment, but when it comes to sell, most buyers, although admiring what you have done of course, will opt out and buy a home that has a regular garage where they canpark their cars and store their items. Designer colors - You deserve to express your lifestyle in anyway you want inside your home. I have seen some beautiful color combinations and then some that would only be considered beautiful to the present homeowner. Keep in mind that when it is time to sell, it is quite possible that the average buyer is going to factor in the cost of repainting. That factoring usually translates into 3-4 times more than it would cost for you to paint with a neutral color scheme before putting your home on the market.
Landscaping - Too little and too much can work against you when it comes time to sell. It really takes very little to make your landscaping appealing. If you are unsure in this area, pay a few extra dollars to have someone come in who has a creative eye and who will respect your budget. It can make a huge impact on how quickly you sell and also your sales price. Having too much landscaping can also deter buyers. I have been in many homes where the seller spends hours each week in the garden in addition to the gardener who does the mowing and trimming. Yes, the home is lovely, but you may be disappointed when buyers visit your home and gasp with delight, but never make an offer. Many buyers are intimidated by the potential upkeep and translate it into a virtual wasteland in their minds. Many buyers don't have the time, know-how or desire to spend the energy necessary to keep it up.
My advice before you spend thousands of dollars on a remodel is to consult with a real estate professional and get some sound advice. Remember, it is your home and you can and should make it as wonderful for you as you want. Just be sure to factor in how your remodel may affect the sales price when selling.
Nancy Puder is the owner and broker of Signature Properties, a distinguished real estate firm on the Central Coast of California. You may contact her at (805)710-2415 or email Nancy@NancyPuder.com